Monday, February 14, 2011

H.R. 1 -- House Continuing Resolution...Is A Republican Feeding Frenzy

The House Appropriations Committee today introduced a Continuing Resolution (H.R. 1) to fund the federal government for the last seven months of the fiscal year while cutting spending by over $100 billion from the President’s fiscal year 2011 request. This CR legislation represents the largest single discretionary spending reduction in the history of Congress.
In the committee's own frothy words, "CR Spending Cuts to Go Deep" -- click on the link and see what cuts are planned. This is Starve the Beast (...feed campaign contributors) at its worst.

Here is the benighted appropriations committee Top 70 list:

· Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies -$30M
· Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy -$899M
· Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability -$49M
· Nuclear Energy -$169M
· Fossil Energy Research -$31M
· Clean Coal Technology -$18M
· Strategic Petroleum Reserve -$15M
· Energy Information Administration -$34M
· Office of Science -$1.1B
· Power Marketing Administrations -$52M
· Department of Treasury -$268M
· Internal Revenue Service -$593M
· Treasury Forfeiture Fund -$338M
· GSA Federal Buildings Fund -$1.7B
· ONDCP -$69M
· International Trade Administration -$93M
· Economic Development Assistance -$16M
· Minority Business Development Agency -$2M
· National Institute of Standards and Technology -$186M
· NOAA -$336M
· National Drug Intelligence Center -$11M
· Law Enforcement Wireless Communications -$52M
· US Marshals Service -$10M
· FBI -$74M
· State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance -$256M
· Juvenile Justice -$2.3M
· COPS -$600M
· NASA -$379M
· NSF -$139M
· Legal Services Corporation -$75M
· EPA -$1.6B
· Food Safety and Inspection Services -$53M
· Farm Service Agency -$201M
· Agriculture Research -$246M
· Natural Resource Conservation Service -$46M
· Rural Development Programs -$237M
· WIC -$758M
· International Food Aid grants -$544M
· FDA -$220M
· Land and Water Conservation Fund -$348M
· National Archives and Record Service -$20M
· DOE Loan Guarantee Authority -$1.4B
· EPA GHG Reporting Registry -$9M
· USGS -$27M
· EPA Cap and Trade Technical Assistance -$5M
· EPA State and Local Air Quality Management -$25M
· Fish and Wildlife Service -$72M
· Smithsonian -$7.3M
· National Park Service -$51M
· Clean Water State Revolving Fund -$700M
· Drinking Water State Revolving Fund -$250M
· EPA Brownfields -$48M
· Forest Service -$38M
· National Endowment for the Arts -$6M
· National Endowment for the Humanities -$6M
· Job Training Programs -$2B
· Community Health Centers -$1.3B
· Maternal and Child Health Block Grants -$210M
· Family Planning -$327M
· Poison Control Centers -$27M
· CDC -$755M
· NIH -$1B
· Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services -$96M
· LIHEAP Contingency fund -$400M
· Community Services Block Grant -$405M
· High Speed Rail -$1B
· FAA Next Gen -$234M
· Amtrak -$224M
· HUD Community Development Fund -$530M

Don't let 'em do it. Republicans are turning this country into an oligarchy, and they haven't got the depth of understanding to appreciate what it is they are doing. They do know the revolving door into corporate law, and lobbying jobs will be wide open for them and their sycophants when they finally get booted out of Congress. Meantime, they are going to send us all into a Dickensian nightmare.

Here's a note I sent to my representatives via the site, "170 Million Americans for Public Broadcasting" (which would be eliminated under H.R. 1).
The House Continuing Resolution (H.R. 1) eliminates federal funding for public broadcasting. And renewable energy, and kills the EPA, and a whole lot of other useful, important things. Don't do it! Don't trash everything that makes this country civilized (as if we haven't already).

Roll back the Bush tax cuts. Increase capital gains taxes. Increase the inheritance tax.

Cut defense spending. Bring the troops home. That will save a fortune

Create a real energy policy that meaningfully reduces our fossil fuel consumption. Make use of least-cost renewables. That will do a lot to fix our trade deficit, and save everyone money, not to mention saving the planet.

Enforce fair trade rules against China, Korea, Mexico, Columbia, and other countries that destroy the environment and all but enslave workers. Stop selling us out with "free trade."

Don't let Republicans walk us into the dark ages. Stand up and fight. Please. This is more important than reelection. Stop working for corporate campaign contributors, and work for your constituents.

Visit Public Broadcasting's site and send a message to your representatives.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Starve the Beast: Are We Hungry Enough Yet?


Republican politicians share a singular and common goal: to starve the Beast. The beast, in case you are wondering, is ostensibly the entire federal government, but for the Republican purposes of death by starvation the definition is limited to federal programs that benefit society at large (wage-earning citizens), rather than business interests. Beast? Think education, environmental protection, health care, pensions, public transportation, consumer protection.

But leave government subsidies for defense contractors, financial firms, fossil fuel producers, pharmaceutical makers, and health insurance providers out of it, please. Republican politicians never derail the gravy train for these folks. These are the folks who put them in office, after all.

So, to put more money into the pockets of the rich people who finance their campaigns, members of the toady Republican brain trust dreamed up the brilliant initiative known as "Starve the Beast." Now, they will tell you they merely intend to cut waste and ineffective programs, but you might notice that the necessary spending cuts always take a bite out of the prosperity of poor and middle class people, not rich people. Cuts to education, environmental protection, health care, pensions, public transportation, consumer protection have little impact on the bottom lines of rich people. But they have huge impacts on poor and middle class people. (Yes, even environmental protection: without enforced laws to protect the environment, companies dump more toxins into the air and water. And where do these companies locate the offending plants? You guessed it, in poor neighborhoods. Not in the Hamptons, or Kennebunkport, I  promise.)

Here is an excerpt for Wikipedia's entry for "Starve the Beast:"
Prior to being elected as the President, then-candidate Ronald Reagan foreshadowed the strategy during the 1980 US Presidential debates, saying "John Anderson tells us that first we've got to reduce spending before we can reduce taxes. Well, if you've got a kid that's extravagant, you can lecture him all you want to about his extravagance. Or you can cut his allowance and achieve the same end much quicker."[7] It appears the earliest use of the term "starving the beast" to refer to the political-fiscal strategy was in a Wall Street Journal article in 1985 where the reporter quoted an unnamed Reagan staffer. [8]

Analysis: economic, academic, and "think tank"
Some empirical evidence shows that Starve the Beast may be counterproductive, with lower taxes actually corresponding to higher spending. An October 2007 study by Christina D. Romer and David H. Romer of the National Bureau of Economic Research found: "[...] no support for the hypothesis that tax cuts restrain government spending; indeed, [the findings] suggest that tax cuts may actually increase spending. The results also indicate that the main effect of tax cuts on the government budget is to induce subsequent legislated tax increases."[9]
William Niskanen, chairman emeritus of the libertarian Cato Institute, criticized “starve the beast.” If deficits finance 20% of government spending, then citizens perceive government services as discounted. Services that are popular at 20% off the listed price would be less popular at full price. He hypothesized that higher revenues could constrain spending, and found strong statistical support for that conjecture based on data from 1981 to 2005.[10][11] Another Cato researcher, Michael New, tested Niskanen’s model in different time periods and using a more restrictive definition of spending (non-defense discretionary spending) and arrived at a similar conclusion.[12]
It seems logical that the theory is not only mean-spirited, but self-destructive and flawed. No matter, it sounds nice in a speech: "fiscal responsibility... live within our means... pull yourself up by your bootstraps... get off the public dime... moral hazard...blah, blah, blah."

And, have you noticed that when Republicans take control of Congress, we always seem to be in the midst of a fiscal crisis imposed on us by irresponsible tax cuts initiated by a Republican president? An artificial crisis makes it easy to demand cuts to programs essential for broad prosperity and health. Otherwise, it would be difficult to overcome the uproar. But, in a crisis, "everything's on the table" right?

Just don't ask your average Republican politician or business executive to practice what he preaches. That would be mean-spirited. They have their high-end lifestyles to maintain.

This just in from your Congressional leadership: "CR Cuts Go Deep"

Stephen Schwarzman's -- Founder of Blackstone Group -- 100th Birthday Celebration
at the New York Public Library
photo: john simon daily